Top 5 2019 Landscaping Trends from Winnetka, IL, Landscape Contractors

Trends come and go in home décor, home styles, and clothing—and landscape design, too. Landscape contractors are on top of current styles and what’s old news in their field. Here are five landscape design trends for 2019 to consider for your Winnetka, IL, property.

Outdoor Rooms

Top 5 2019 Landscaping Trends from Winnetka, IL, Landscape Contractors

The trend toward functional outdoor rooms continues to grow and increase in popularity. Designated areas for cooking, relaxing, and entertaining are among the spaces in hot demand with landscape contractors. An outdoor kitchen that is equipped with all of the conveniences of an indoor kitchen can make this room practically usable all year. Adding a cover to the outdoor kitchen makes this area extends its usefulness to rainy days. Any excuse to cook meals outdoors would become yours, especially if a built-in heater or fire feature is included.

Related: Top 3 Fall Outdoor Design Trends from Landscaping Companies in Wilmette, IL

The areas for relaxing and entertaining are increasingly enhanced by connectivity to media and the internet. Homeowners want stations to charge devices while enjoying time with others, without having to go back and forth to the inside of a home. Adding outdoor media experiences continues to be desirable, as owners also want to be able to watch a favorite sports team or log on to a laptop while outside with family.

Smart Lighting

The easier, the better is the thinking with newly installed lighting these days. Lighting that operates on timers can free a Winnetka property owner from having to worry about adjusting the lights for a fun evening. Many smart lights can operate with the touch of a mobile device app.

Related: 4 Ways Landscaping Companies Can Light Up Your Highland Park, IL, Outdoor Living Space

Practicality also rules the day. Bright white lights are appropriate for the edges of a designated party space so that guests can clearly navigate their way around. Soft white lights may be more fitting where the entertaining calls for a cozy ambiance. Smart lights can accomplish both needs at the touch of a switch, while helping the homeowner conserve energy.

Water Conservation

As homeowners’ concern for environmental sustainability continues to grow, more eco-friendly irrigation is part of landscape planning. Choosing plants that are native to the Illinois region decreases the excess use of water, as does selecting plants that have low water requirements.

Yard Tools

Advances in technology is influencing yard tools, too. Modern lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and hedge trimmers can be folded and put away in less space. Homeowners are interested in tools that have lower emissions and produce less noise. Many find that they can have a more efficient carbon footprint when they use a team of landscape contractors who take care of lawn care and maintenance with efficient machinery in much less time than they ever could.

Adult Tree Houses

One of the ultimate ways to relax and feel like you’re getting away could be in the form of an adult tree house. An increasing number of people are treating this backyard feature like a unique outdoor room that they can make their own with special furnishings, pillows, and lighting. A fun alternative to more traditional outdoor rooms, the adult tree house can be left a natural wood color or painted to match the exterior of the home.

About the Author

Yep. We’re those guys – the guys who’ve always been handy, the guys who love to work with their hands, the guys family, friends, and neighbors have called on for help since, well, since we can remember. Which is why we’re now the guys who turned those talents and passion into a living by starting a family-owned contracting business. Serving the North Shore area and beyond, we specialize in beautifying and caring for residential properties, from installing fine gardens and preparing landscapes for big changes to ensuring the ongoing health of lawns and trees.