5 Reasons to Include Fall Cleanup in Your Lawn Care Service in Northbrook, IL

Fall cleanup is a must for upholding the integrity of your Northbrook, IL, lawn as the seasons change. The frigid winters can be damaging to lawns, and the moisture from freeze-thaw cycles bring more than just slush. What goes on in your lawn, and around your property, could potentially bring harm to your home if proper care does not occur. Here are five reasons you should make sure your regular lawn care service includes a fall cleanup.

Protect Your Turf

5 Reasons to Include Fall Cleanup in Your Lawn Care Service in Northbrook, IL

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to fall cleanup. Depending on the unique needs of your landscape, the main goal is to prepare your lawn for long cold periods and its exposure to the elements. This may include raking leaves, debris removal, weed control, fertilizer applications, pruning and mulching. This may also entail changing out seasonal flowers. Keeping your turf free from fallen debris and weeds will offer protection from insect penetration, lawn diseases, and dead patches. It will also allow the soil to take in the fertilizers and water applications as you begin to prepare for the temperature changes.

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Protect Your Landscaping

Keeping your landscaping in healthy condition will not only save you from an unsightly mess and the need for replacement, It will also keep your lawn, hardscaping, and architectural structures safe. Dead trees can topple with the weight of fallen snow or during thaw-freeze temperatures. Limbs and other debris can land in your lawn, or worse, on your home, other structures or hardscaping. If they are not removed quickly, they can stain and cause other damage to your lawn and home. It is important to prune back plantings, and regularly have dying and dead limbs removed from your trees. 

Prevent Bug Infestations

Insects are a nonstop issue in and around lawns. This is especially true in the fall. Things like fallen debris, plant decay, and added moisture from the cool nights add up to promote insect activity. At a time when your lawn is fragile, a bug issue can prove fatal. Additionally, bugs in and around your lawn mean you could be exposing you and your loved ones to bugs inside your home. As the temperatures drop, they will undoubtedly be seeking a warmer habitat. Keeping your lawn and landscape healthy will help prevent damage from insects.

Minimize Risk of Mold and Fungi Exposure

We are at the high side of the national average in rainfall and snowfall per year. When moisture is abundant, our lawns are susceptible to mold and mildew. Places like gutters, around planters, and hardscape areas, at water features, and where decaying materials are present is where you can expect to see an increase of mold and mildew. Pruning back trees, clearing gutters, and changing out seasonal flowers is a way to help eliminate the places where mold and fungi could develop.

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Maintain Adequate Drainage and Runoff

This is an often overlooked area by homeowners. It is important to clear out any drainage areas like gutters, irrigation systems, or areas that are prone to flooding. Make sure they are free from leaves, limbs, mud, dirt, and other objects that commonly find their way into drainage areas. It is equally as important to add fill in areas that are low lying. Proper drainage is crucial as the rainfall and snowfall totals start to increase.

About the Author

Yep. We’re those guys – the guys who’ve always been handy, the guys who love to work with their hands, the guys family, friends, and neighbors have called on for help since, well, since we can remember. Which is why we’re now the guys who turned those talents and passion into a living by starting a family-owned contracting business. Serving the North Shore area and beyond, we specialize in beautifying and caring for residential properties, from installing fine gardens and preparing landscapes for big changes to ensuring the ongoing health of lawns and trees.