What Does a Lawn Service in the Spring Entail in Buffalo Grove, IL?

What Does a Lawn Service in the Spring Entail in Buffalo Grove, IL?

Lawn care may not be something you’re thinking about when the temperatures are freezing and you have snow on your lawn. But spring is just around the corner, making now the time to prepare for a healthy and thriving lawn. What does a lawn service in the spring entail in Buffalo Grove, IL? Here’s how the pros take care of lawns.

The secret to a great lawn is actually simple (but not easy): ongoing season-specific care. The best lawns don’t look amazing on their own. They rely on a seasonal approach that gives the lawn the support it needs, and the process can begin in early spring with a soil assessment.

Related: How A Lawn Care Service Stays Out Of Your Way While Keeping Your Highland Park, IL, Lawn Crisp

Soil Testing for pH and Nutrients

Soil pH and nutrients directly affect how well grass grows and how it will stand up to weather extremes, pests, weeds, and disease. Soil is typically tested at least once a year to ensure optimal growing conditions for your grass. Acidic soils can be neutralized by spreading lime, but the soil can be tested to determine how much lime should be added. Compost or other organic fertilizer will add nutrients that emerging grass seedlings need to fuel their growth.

Dethatching and Aeration

Most lawns experience compaction as a result of the cold Illinois winter. Heavy thatch (dead grass that collects at the ground level) inhibits growth, and prevents water and nutrients from reaching the roots. A good raking will remove thatch. The next step is aeration, to open the “pores” of the soil; this is especially beneficial in heavily trafficked areas, sunbaked areas that need to retain more moisture, or spongy areas that need to release trapped moisture.

Weed and Feed

Grass that was properly fertilized in the fall should experience good growth in spring. If the lawn wasn’t fertilized at the end of the season, new growth needs to be supported, and at the same time, emerging weeds need to be managed so that they don’t become established. It’s important to use the right fertilizer for your unique soil conditions and lawn health, as well as the right kind of herbicide. Early-season weed management involves pre-emergent herbicides that prevent weeds from germinating. The nutrients that the grass receives will ensure a thick, healthy lawn that is naturally resistant to weeds.

Spot Treatment

If any bare patches of lawn weren’t overseeded in fall, this needs to be done in early spring. Newly seeded areas require extra care to support grass seedlings so they become well established. These areas will also need monitoring to prevent faster-growing weeds from gaining a foothold.


With spring comes vigorous growth. Once the lawn has reached a height of 3 inches, the mowing season begins. This may require, depending on the weather, frequent mowing to maintain the optimal height. Care must be taken to use sharp mower blades; dull blades can tear the grass instead of cutting it cleanly, which results in a distressing brown tint and invites disease.

For a spectacular lawn without the worry, let our lawn care professionals take care of it all! Don’t wait too long to schedule spring lawn care, because once the first weeds have sprung, the season-long battle begins. 

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About the Author

Yep. We’re those guys – the guys who’ve always been handy, the guys who love to work with their hands, the guys family, friends, and neighbors have called on for help since, well, since we can remember. Which is why we’re now the guys who turned those talents and passion into a living by starting a family-owned contracting business. Serving the North Shore area and beyond, we specialize in beautifying and caring for residential properties, from installing fine gardens and preparing landscapes for big changes to ensuring the ongoing health of lawns and trees.