Don't Forget to Schedule a Gutter Cleaning Before Winter Weather Hits in Buffalo Grove and Northbrook, IL

Don't Forget to Schedule a Gutter Cleaning Before Winter Weather Hits in Buffalo Grove and Northbrook, IL

Many of your landscape issues are easily visible since they’re on the ground surface, yet it’s easy to ignore what’s just out of sight. The gutters and drain system of your home are an essential piece to the well-being of your home and landscape. When they work, you won’t even notice they exist. However, if not checked and cleaned a few times a year, problems may spiral out of control. Don’t forget to schedule a gutter cleaning before winter weather hits in Buffalo Grove and Northbrook, IL!

Related: Gutter Cleaning Is Easy To Forget But Needs To Get Done This Time Of Year In Wilmette And Winnetka, IL

Correct Working Order

Encouraging water to flow away from the foundations of the home means a gutter and downspout system free of clogs. The next time it rains, go outside and observe how the water flows out of the spout. If it’s a consistent and even flow, things are likely working smoothly. If all you see is a trickle, you know for sure that there’s a clog somewhere along the line. 

The Crucial Time for Action: Fall

The biggest threat to your gutter system throughout the year is the buildup of leaf debris. Leaves, although falling from the tree dry, will soak up water and create a clumped mass in the gutter system. This will either create clogs in the drain pipes or prevent water from even getting to the drain. However, that’s just the beginning as the weight of this debris can cause more problems. During the fall, gutter cleaning professionals will carefully extract leaf debris from your gutters to avoid the problems that follow.

The Cycle Begins: Winter

If debris isn’t properly extracted from the gutter system in the fall, winter will make the process almost impossible. The clumps of debris which have been soaked repeatedly and begun to rot will then freeze and expand several times. This heaving will add powerful stress to your gutter system, which will eventually cause the gutters to crack and break. The added weight of debris and ice may even cause the system to pull away from the roof, causing damage and potential injury in the process.

The Problems Show Themselves: Spring

If the neglected gutter system is still standing by spring, then the snowmelt and rain runoff passing through the gutter system will reveal any leaks or broken pipes. Again, it’s important to notice the consistency of the water flow from the drain spouts while it’s raining or snow is melting. As the weather warms up, clogged debris will resume rotting, potentially attracting pests. During rainstorms, this debris can spill out of the side of the gutters and splash down the side of the house, creating nasty dark stains that can cause mildew to grow and stain your siding.

The Real Danger: Summer

If the problem has been neglected for an entire fall, winter, and spring, then summer is when things get really dangerous. The debris that rotted, froze, and rotted again is going to dry out in the summer sun. This will create a tinder box ready to light up at the smallest spark. A fire in the gutters could easily destroy the house and prove a terrifying risk to everyone inside. 

Don’t Wait to Act

The entire cycle of gutter debris buildup can be stopped now as long as you call your local gutter cleaning professionals. Then, you can start a contract that ensures gutter cleaning twice  a year (in fall and spring) to keep that danger far away.

Related: 4 Reasons Why Gutter Cleaning Is Essential In The Fall In Highland Park And Glenview, IL

About the Author

Yep. We’re those guys – the guys who’ve always been handy, the guys who love to work with their hands, the guys family, friends, and neighbors have called on for help since, well, since we can remember. Which is why we’re now the guys who turned those talents and passion into a living by starting a family-owned contracting business. Serving the North Shore area and beyond, we specialize in beautifying and caring for residential properties, from installing fine gardens and preparing landscapes for big changes to ensuring the ongoing health of lawns and trees.