5 Maintenance Chores You May Not Know Are Offered by a Lawn Care Service in Buffalo Grove, IL

5 Maintenance Chores You May Not Know Are Offered by a Lawn Care Service in Buffalo Grove, IL

While most lawn care services will mow, edge, and blow your grass off the walkways and driveway, there are some maintenance chores you might not realize an experienced lawn care service offers for your Buffalo Grove, IL landscape. You can add these tasks to your lawn care on an as needed basis to make your life easier. 

Related: Sit Back And Relax With A Complete Lawn Service Plan In Buffalo Grove, IL


Removing old mulch and adding new may not seem like a significant landscape task, but mulch can be a crucial way to protect your shrubs from drying out and dying in the hot summer sun. Old mulch can break down and look unattractive, and this can detract from the beauty of your lawn and landscape. 

When your lawn care service team removes the large mulch pieces to replace with new mulch, the entire landscape can look cleaner and fresher. They will clean up the edges for a crisp border and ensure all the old debris is taken away. You will be left with a renewed curb appeal for your property. 


Pruning can be an essential way to prevent pests and disease from damaging and possibly killing your trees and shrubs. The lawn care team can come after the cold winter weather to clear away fallen branches and cut the jagged edges where limbs have broken. A clean cut can help maintain a healthy tree since it removes the opening where pests can enter to build a nest. 

The fall can be an ideal time for your lawn service to trim the tree and shrub shapes for a pleasing appearance when they leaf out and bloom in the spring and summer. When the shrubs and trees are bare, this can allow them to see the overall look for spot trimming and limb removal. 

  • Anytime you want to add more trees or shrubs to your landscape, the lawn care team can help with these tasks, too. If you need to have a tree cut down, they can replace it with a new one to keep your landscape looking pristine. 


Thinking of planting a garden in the spring or do you want a new landscape bed? Your lawn care service can bring a tiller out to your home and move that dirt and blend in any soil amendments you want to boost the growth of your plants. Your space will be ready for vegetables, flowers, new shrubs, and more.

You can rely on them to handle all the soil preparation so you don’t have to accomplish that back-breaking work to have the planted spaces you envision. 

Lawn Care and Detailing 

The best lawn care and landscape detailing service can handle the normal lawn tasks and the others that you end up having to do in your spare time. When you add pruning, tilling, tree care, and the other landscape necessities that keep your property looking amazing, they can ensure the whole outdoor space is free of debris.

Replacing the mulch, tree trimming, and shrub replacement are part of caring for your landscape to maintain the beauty but these jobs require time and effort that you often don’t have. When you turn over all the care to a skilled lawn care service, all you will have to do is enjoy your perfect lawn and landscape. 

Related: Preserve Your Landscape By Hiring Pros For All Your Essential Landscaping Services In Lincolnshire, IL

About the Author

Yep. We’re those guys – the guys who’ve always been handy, the guys who love to work with their hands, the guys family, friends, and neighbors have called on for help since, well, since we can remember. Which is why we’re now the guys who turned those talents and passion into a living by starting a family-owned contracting business. Serving the North Shore area and beyond, we specialize in beautifying and caring for residential properties, from installing fine gardens and preparing landscapes for big changes to ensuring the ongoing health of lawns and trees.