Taking Care of Your Lawn So You Don't Have To: Lawn Care Service in the Lake Forest and Glenview, IL Areas

Taking Care of Your Lawn So You Don't Have To: Lawn Care Service in the Lake Forest and Glenview, IL Areas

Taking care of your lawn doesn’t have to feel like work when you have a superior Lake Forest and Glenview, IL Areas lawn service to handle the various tasks. Your lawn is likely a source of pride and something that adds so much beauty to the landscape but it can be time-consuming to manage everything that is required especially during the summer growing season. Here are some ways a reputable lawn service can free up your downtime for enjoyable activities instead of lawn care on the weekends.

Related: A Quick Guide: What Lawn Service Plan Is Best For Your Glenview, IL Area Landscape?

Springtime Pest and Weed Prevention

Before you know it, spring will be here along with the return of bugs, insects, and weeds. Each of these pests can take hold and stop your lawn from thriving before the temperature even warms up.

While you are still searching for a coat to wear in the early spring is the best time to have weed and pest preventatives applied to your lawn. The springtime applications are intended to stop the weeds from germinating and the insects from finding a home in your grass.

An advantage that lawn care professionals have is the high-level products that you won’t find at a big box store. They know the proper application amounts that will get the job done without being too much which can damage the grass.

Spring Landscape Cleanup

A spring landscape cleanup can create the blank canvas you want for your lawn, flowers, and trees to flourish. A lawn care crew can remove all the broken branches and debris left from winter. Having a clean slate for the grass to green up and landscape beds to burst forth can be essential to the pleasing appearance you want in your landscape aesthetic.

They also give the trees a clean cut where branches fall off and leave fragmented and splintered edges which can be the perfect spot for pests and diseases to enter the trees.

Lawn and Landscape Replanting

There will inevitably be plants and trees that don’t survive the harsh winter weather. Spring is the time to have a lawn care crew assess the landscape for dead shrubs, trees, and plants. By replacing them with fresh, healthy plants, your landscape won’t be marred by visible dead shrubs and trees that take away from the overall beauty and curb appeal.

Fresh Mulch for Landscape Beds

Spreading mulch is a job no one likes. You can hand off this tedious, repetitive task to the lawn care crew for old mulch removal and replacement with a fresh and clean canvas. They can edge the landscape beds for a definite division from the grass and the new mulch can revitalize the look of the landscape beds.

Since you can choose the mulch color, this can really add a pop to the landscape and protect your plants and shrubs from drying out in the heat of summer.

Mowing, Edging, and Trimming

There might be no smell more indicative of a gorgeous summer day than that of a freshly mowed lawn. Of course, they handle the mowing for a lush, thriving lawn and ensure the overall appearance is clean with edging and trimming. All you have to do is arrive home and enjoy the lovely landscape.

Related: Routine Lawn Maintenance Is Needed To Keep A Landscape Design In Great Condition In The Glenview, IL Area

About the Author

Yep. We’re those guys – the guys who’ve always been handy, the guys who love to work with their hands, the guys family, friends, and neighbors have called on for help since, well, since we can remember. Which is why we’re now the guys who turned those talents and passion into a living by starting a family-owned contracting business. Serving the North Shore area and beyond, we specialize in beautifying and caring for residential properties, from installing fine gardens and preparing landscapes for big changes to ensuring the ongoing health of lawns and trees.